Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Starry Night Tissue Collage

This art project started with us cutting all different kinds of shapes out of tissue paper, then glueing the piecing down onto construction paper. Once we had most of our construction paper covered with tissue paper, I covered the entire sheet by painting over it with an adhesive. This adhesive helped secure the tissue paper along with giving it a glossy look. Then, I took a piece of red construction paper to cut out my city sky line. I choose red as the saying goes, "Paint the town red". I colored in windows, brick lines and other city features on the red construction paper with a black marker. Once the adhesive was dry, I glued my city outline down. Then, I outlined all of the tissue paper with a white oil pastel.

An extensive activity that could be done with this project is about stars. We could look up how to find different consolations during the night, how stars form and burn out, along with if seeing stars is easier in the city or countryside.

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