Sunday, December 12, 2010


This project began by experimenting with watercolor techniques. First we did flat wash, graduated wash, resist, wet in wet and watercolor crayons for different techniques. Using these techniques we then created our background for our fish. I applied the graduated wash for the purple part of my background. For the green part I used the watercolor crayons then painted over the crayon with water. Before applying the water I colored around the green with a regular white crayon to give the resistance effect. For my fish I used the resistance effect again coloring different distuingishing parts of the fish such as an eye, fan tail and a scale.

An extension project I could include with this project is reading about other sea creatures and completing an art project to coincide with that animal. For instance, next I would read a book about octopi, then whales. At the end of the sea unit, my class will watch Finding Nemo to incoporate all of the sea animals together.

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